
sampler of plaques from Inspiritorium

sampler of plaques from Inspiratorium

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The Media Inspiratorium is perhaps the first intermedia history of the arts, media and innovation. It is a personal collection of innovative artefacts, drawn from the histories of all the media arts (photography, painting, installation, animation, film, graphics, commercial art, music, theatre, dance, literature, poetry, fashion and costume, computer-based art, architecture, etc); from the innovations in media form and content, and from the scientific discoveries and critical theories that underpin such innovation – the emerging theories of art, photography, film, new media,  etc, and the core theories of perception, colour, cognition, consciousness, psychology, physics, computer science etc.The mediainspiratorium  also includes the people who personify the zeitgeist of the periods covered – the artists, designers, stars, celebrities, characters, entrepreneurs and impresarios of the ages. It is designed as an exhibition (as well as an online archive) to  immerse, inform, guide, inspire, catalyse,  and contextualise.


from the pop-up launch show in Hackney December 2016

In short its the place to come for inspiration, no matter what your discipline.

It is designed to be an immersive and chronological guide or back-story of the media-arts-innovation environment/ecology we find ourselves in our multimedia, networked, computer-mediated 21st century. Its the back-story of our times. When exhibited, I envisage about 1000 discrete artefacts displayed as individual plaques. LCD screens, projections, that are arranged chronologically. The Inspiratorium also encourages participation – visitors can suggest artefacts for inclusion.

All the in-copyright images displayed are used under section 10 of the 1998 Copyright Act – ie in the spirit of fair use as an educational tool for students of all ages…

all text copyright © Bob Cotton 2015


contact Bob Cotton: 07708 976780

Please download the Inspiritorium Sampler pdf, and if you have any comments or queries:

inspiritorium_sampler_227pp_2 (Compressed)

(This is just a sample of the Inspiritorium, focussing mostly on on the period 1940-1970, but the whole archive currently covers media/art innovations from 1800-2015.)